Saturday, June 24, 2017

Discussion 14: June 26 -- Lombroso and today's genetics

Believe it or not, Lombroso's approach to criminology is showing up again today in genetics-behavioral science.

Some claim that deviancy can be predicted by observing certain gene mutations in the DNA (and, these mutations are not just random, individual events, but are present in the population, like hazel eyes or certain very rare diseases.)

The temptation is to test everybody, see who carries those genes and ...? What is society going to do?
Wait until they "go off" or act preventively?
And what would happen if those genes were shown to have a higher frequency among certain groups?

(Ancient Chinese CURSE:  May you live in interesting times.)



  1. If Lombroso's theory turns out be accurate according to modern science, society will fall into chaos. The notion that criminality can be predicted by physical traits and genes is frightening because it opens that door for extreme racism and discrimination. It would completely change the way people interact with each other.

    Imagine if you're applying for a job and the employer asks for a DNA test. Your genes can prevent you from being hired because you might have a propensity for violence or theft. Instead, employers feel more comfortable with hiring people with "desirable" genes because there's a lower chance that they'll commit a crime.

    In a world where your genes can indicate criminality, people would absolutely act preventively. There's no chance that they would wait to see if you genes "go off." They don't want to take the risk. And if genes were shown to have a higher frequency among certain groups, God help us all. Let's say for example a particular race had genes that encouraged kleptomania. People would be so blatantly racist towards this group, they would do everything in their power to drive these would-be thieves away. Hate would prevail and people become more isolated from each other.

    1. The chaos that society will plunge into will have a dangerous outcome. Immoral and unjust laws will be passed, hindering a particular group's progress and stifling their freedom. Unequal application of the law and oppression will lead to the road of anarchy. The inclination to maintain freedom by the "deviant" and the inclination to maintain superiority by other people will be a bitter battle. This has been a proven disaster, the lynching and discrimination of "inferior" races are just one example of the heinous behavior that our society will dive in to.

    2. There has already been a debate on whether insurance companies should be allowed to use DNA testing to determine whether you are eligible for insurances. The use of home DNA kits is discouraged because the companies claim a right over your DNA and the right to share if with others. With the advancement of science also comes new pros and cons.

  2. The idea to test everyone for genetic mutation they may indicate deviancy, in theory, it sounds like a good idea. This would allow the everyday average person to live without fear that criminals will attack them. Acting preventatively may seem very comforting to some, but it may be an absurd and dangerous path. Absurd in the sense that the rationale and the reason for this is to prevent some sort of zombie apocalypse where people are running in fear from bloodthirsty humans. Of course, this is a fictional example, but subliminally it may be misconstrued like many other things of this magnitude are. It manifests the idea that society should get a hold of flawed people before they take and harm you and your family: fostering a culture of fear and discrimination, to say the least. Many people will be targeted wrongfully by the government, that is supposed to protect them, and by their fellow citizens. The thought that all people of Japanese descent were a threat to Americans, led to the interment of Japanese Americans, which was wrong. Or the belief that because they have not passed their early stages of evolution prevented them from high order thinking had perpetuated and justified the subhuman and egregious acceptance of slavery. However, preventative measures or profiling is not a bad idea. Take for example a targeted medical group like white women that are in a particular age range being screened for cancer. These people were profiled for their gender and age for preventative care. There are many examples of preventative measure that have done some good, but measures like these are criminal in and of itself, genetic testing, to root out deviant people seems to be a thing of the past and history has proven its detriment. If such a menace is to be let loose, law and social order will burn at the stake.

    1. At first, I thought you were justifying using DNA for preventative care, but in the last two lines you reflect what I feel about chaos as a result of DNA testing. There are too many cons to justify the very few pros. Furthermore, preventative care may not be all too helpful. If someone knows they are destined to be criminals, they may commit crimes without reason just because they believe this is their destiny. This idea is similar to people wanting to live life to fullest when they know they are about to die. They take on adventures they would not have had they not received a death sentence.

  3. Genetic testing to determine people's deviance from society is a scary thought. Although genetic testing for medical conditions is already happening, this is different because many medical conditions do not have a mental aspect, and therefore there is no stigma attached. However, genetic testing for psychological deviancy is a completely different matter. If the information went public, for example if this was put on your license like your height and age, society would be destroyed. I don't think anyone would wait for something terrible to happen, because no one is willing to take that risk and be the person who something terrible happens to. Rather, people will not want to be near anyone who tests positive for such a mutation, and segregation based on DNA results will quickly occur, even before any negative behavior is present. This might lead to society being divided up by personality traits or by which psychological "mutation" they have. For example, you might have a group of people who tested positive for a mutation leading to lying. They would all be forced to live together because no one would want to associate with them. A separate group of people who tested positive for a mutation leading to stealing would also live together. There would be groups for cruelty, groups for emotional instability, groups for people with short tempers, all sorts of groups. Eventually, society will just look like a bunch of settlements, each populated by a group with a different mutation. The people inside would be completely functional, and would be forced to create their own communities in these settlements. The problem with this is that if these people can't associate with anyone outside of their "mutation group", if they want to get married they will be forced to marry within their group, which will cause their children to be more likely to inherit the mutated gene, which will only cause the problem to get even bigger.

    The same thing would happen it it was discovered that a certain ethnic or racial group was more prone to the mutation. They would be roped off from society and forced to live by themselves, even the ones who don't have the mutation. It would lead to internment camps, like the ones that Japanese Americans were forced to live in during World War 2. Society would be in a terrible place.

    On a more positive note, I don't think this kind of testing would ever occur. There are many medical and ethical guidelines that are put in place by medical societies, and I think the outcry from this suggestion would prevent the testing from ever happening.

  4. Genetic testing overall is a very controversial issue, especially if it is to determine people's deviance from society. If this happens it could affect job interviews and prevent the people who tested positively for negative genes from getting the job. Medical genetic testing now most definitely has its benefits because knowledge in genetic tendency towards this disease could help them take steps in preventing this disease or make it less severe. So in a way if you look at it from that perspective, people can try to avoid or be conscious of them having these negative genes and try to prevent it from happening in their everyday lives. On the other hand people would most likely be racist towards a specific race if they were more prone to test for negative genes. They would group everyone together and just isolate them from society. Instead of improving our society, this will effect us negatively and create chaos.

  5. I believe in genetic testing in regards to medicine and scientific advances, but I do not believe it should be used for criminology. I believe there is so much more than genetics that affects if a person will commit criminal acts. If we solely went along with Lombroso's theory, then we would believe that having certain characteristics are innate. This would leave no room for nurture. This would also, as said above, open the door even wider for racism and discrimination. We already cast large judgments on people based on violence, and this would only increase hateful sentiments. It is definitely an inviting thought: what if DNA told us everything we need to know about a person? I just have trouble believing if it's true. Even if a person's DNA reveals one thing, we do not truly know the thoughts in their heads and what's driving them to make certain, and possibly poor, decisions.

    1. Genetic testing can be very valuable is done by the right people. I agree with the idea that it can produce medical and scientific advances, but some might use it a tool for oppression.

  6. If Lombroso's theories were to be practiced in today's society the world as we know it would be turned upside down. Everyone would be pitted against one another. Innocent people would now be labeled as criminals, and we would ceased to be a functional society. Knowing human instincts, people would not wait for a person to display the behavioral traits from Lombroso's study. They would act first and question later. People would get locked up, or beaten, and mistreated for no reason. It would be a very dangerous time to live through, and we should hope it never gets to this.

    1. Exactly! This would be horrible for society. People wouldn't event think twice before making assumptions or lashing out at people just because of their traits.

  7. Lombroso's theory is very dangerous to society. He claims that some races evolved slower and therefore are more prone to act out and commit crimes. He is pre destining millions of people's fates. According to his research, or how his research is interpreted, certain races are criminals waiting to happen.

    If his theory was standard practice today, I have a feeling a certain political party would round these races up in camps and separate them from society. Oh how could we risk our children's lives by letting these criminal ticking time bombs walking the streets. It would be normal to hold screening and test everyone for this "gene", it would be a witch hunt. Society would act like the Red Scare.

    I don't know if his theory is one hundred percent wrong. If it did have some holding, not that specific races were less human than others etc.. but if we could track how humans evolved at different rates, that would be super interesting. Evaluating how different races had to adopt to their environment and develop and exercise certain parts of their brain in order to survive.

    1. Yes, it is an interesting branch of science, just like stem cell research which has great potential. To think that we cracked the genetic code is just astounding. My only fear is that we aren't prepared to deal with such revelations in a just manner.

  8. I believe that this theory saying that there is a connection between deviancy and genetics is outrageous. However, speaking as though it were true, the proper reaction would be to act preventatively. By this, I mean that whoever is found to have the trait should be involved in some type of research that would eventually eliminate the expected outcome (deviance) to not occur .

    If the gene was found to exist in a specific racial/ ethnic population, it would lead to dangerous repercussions. In our current world, we already see individuals being profiled because of their skin color or particular facial features that may seem threatening. Although, the gene would bot be as apparent (phenotypically) I feel as though the presence of it in certain populations may lead to some harsh form of identifying individuals with the gene externally. Example: the holicaust and the yellow star symbol, I believe, that Jews had to wear so that the public can identify them .

    Overall, genetic testing for this would be a horrible idea.

  9. Can you imagine judging and appraising people as criminals just by their eye color or physical features. What would happen to the world if this was the way it was. Society. Would probably fall apart. It's frightening to think that physical traits and jeans can determine the criminality it also opens doors for extreme racism and discrimination.I do agree that if a family member had a criminal record of any kind they should be tested for a genetic mutation that may indicate deviancy. I really don't think that this kind of testing will ever happen. There are too many medical guidelines that are put in place that would deny this from ever happening.

    1. I agree with your thought about how this testing would cause society to fall apart and that it absolutely is frightening that people would use physical traits to deem someone a criminal or not, but is it really fair to have people tested for a gene that might or might not tell them they are predisposed to being a criminal based on the fact that a family member is a criminal? I don't think its fair to put someone wrong doing on someone else's head and make them get tested. Just a thought.

    2. Discrimination only seems to be growing in our world.

  10. If Lombroso's theory were to be active today, it would cause chaos. I'm all for seeing if genetics cause certain diseases or what not, but creating criminals? I don't think so. I don't think its accurate and I am not for the testing.

    Can you imagine knowing that people with certain traits will be considers criminals? Dangerous? How would they be able to live in society knowing no one would communicate with them. They would be isolated, probably unemployed, and treated with great discrimination.

    If we want our society to continue getting worse, then they will move forward with Lombroso's theory. We're supposed to be making society better and making every one equal. This will not be a step in that direction.

  11. This would be a slippery slope. Deviancy would be in the eye of those in power. Also, what about nature vs. nurture? If someone has a genetic disposition of deviancy, they can grow up in an environment that sets them on the right path.

  12. If Lombroso's idea of criminology is active in today's society I truly believe that it would cause complete chaos. People use every excuse under the stars to point fingers at other people who look, dress, sound, speak, even breathe differently from them. Imagine being genetically tested and it coming up positive that you have the gene that MIGHT mean that you are a criminal? People would use that as an excuse to judge people and label them some more. I really believe that people would take it to the extreme and try to exile these people just the same way that people try to exile certain religions and people based on where they come from. Knowledge is always good, but too much knowledge about unnecessary things can be very dangerous.

    1. Correct. Genes are also influenced by environmental influences. So, even if someone has genes associated with criminality, this does not mean they are destined to be criminals.

  13. Testing everyone in a preventive nature is just another way to outcast a class of people. It will then become a stereotype of "bad kinds of people". Think about it testing genetics and creating a type of exactly as racism is. Like when they said bad jews had a certain head size and bad Italians are hairy and bad African Americans are all. Genetics linked to diseases I believe there should be a file kept on it just like it exists but its nothing something that should be taken as law. To criminalize people by gene type is racists plain and simple. Stop and frisk plays right into Lombrosco's criminology theory, judging people by their looks and associating that with criminal behavior. And then what the hell does it mean, a family member has a criminal record it should result in testing for genetic mutation that may indicate deviancy. Like what thieves don't have theft genes, thieves are people in desperate situation who make a choice. My oldest brother is a theft has been in jail years for it, its not in our genetics, I've never stolen one thing in my life. Genetics and criminology don't go hand in hand, point blank period.

  14. If Lombroso's theory is being tested today the whole world will be turned upside down. There is no way genetics can determine whether or not a person will be a criminal. The color of their eyes will not determine whether or not you will commit crimes. Environment and your surrounding can play a big role in how you will proceed to live your life.
    If this is being tested, it is unrealistic. You cannot say, for example, all people with blue eyes will be criminals, and you watch them for years to come to see if your prediction is true. This is unrealistic and honestly an inhumane way to categorize people. It will lead to much bigger problems, such as discrimination, which we are as a society trying to fix. If you want to a commit a crime, you will commit it regardless of how you look or what your genetic make-up may be.

    1. the part about the blues eyes was something theory when plotting his attacks on the jews . He used what they were Hitler born with and tried to make it seem like it was apart of the problem . years ago that passed ,but in today society we know that naturally and Hitler Hitler can't work if we really want to solve the issue of criminology

  15. Society would definitely not wait until genes associated with criminality "go off," but rather act preventatively. There has already been a debate on whether insurance companies should be allowed to use DNA testing to determine whether you are eligible for insurances. The use of home DNA kits is discouraged because the companies claim a right over your DNA and the right to share it with others. With the advancement of science also comes new pros and cons. There are too many cons associated with testing DNA for genes associated with criminality to justify the very few pros. Furthermore, preventative care may not be all too helpful. If someone knows they are destined to be criminals, they may commit crimes without reason just because they believe this is their destiny. This idea is similar to people wanting to live life to fullest when they know they are about to die. They take on adventures they would not have pursued had they not received a death sentence.

  16. Even if his theory did seem to somewhat accurate , in today society it wont help . As human being we are unique in ways no mad doesn't can even explain . So i believe putting a label on someone just basic on a theory is scientist the problem we have today . There are too many people in the world to study and come up with results that who figure the entire human species . We are changing and adapting everyday and not even exactly can keep up with that .If thats not scientist enough the mistake ,history has shown us what happens when we put labels on people and try to correct things .
