Monday, July 10, 2017

Have you looked around?

Where in NY can you see examples of brick buildings from the 1920s-1930s, the kind that Geremio's gang is erecting in the book?

I am asking for a precise reference and location, not just a generic "in Manhattan" or "in the Bronx."

Christ is largely autobiographical, and, yes, Italian workers were particularly skilled at this kind of construction technique due to the fact that ALL buildings in Italy are made of stones or bricks (no wood except in the northern Alps region.)


  1. The Chrysler building in New York City is clad in white and dark gray brick. It was constructed in 1928-1930.

  2. When you first asked that question. I first thought the Continental hotel in “wall street “area. I after a moment the only building that comes to mind is the Chrysler building. Unknown fact the Chrysler building was kept secret to the public because it was building race with the Empire state building.
